Task One
Use the following criteria to write a brief description (bullet points) of your library users’ needs.
characteristics of the school and community
cultural and ethnic groupings
attitudes to education, books and reading within the school community current use of the library by teachers and curriculum topics taught
reading needs of students
special needs of students
Task Two
Following the information given in the course on workplace organisation see if you can make any changes in your workplace to improve organisation.
If you access to a digital camera take photos of your workplace and save onto your computer. Then go to www.blogger.com and use your user name and password to sign in. You will see a page with ‘Dashboard’ in the heading. Click on the green cross next to the ‘Introduction to School Library management “link. Type whatever you would like to say in the box. You use the icons along the top to upload pictures. click on the picture icon on the top right of the posting box. You will be asked where you would like to upload the photo from – choose the drive on your computer where you store your digital photographs. Once you have located the photo, click on “upload image” then click on “done”. Finally, click on ‘Publish post’ to upload the posting onto the blog for other people to read.
If you do not have access to a camera then draw a plan of your workplace to bring back and share with your group.
Task Three
Following the example of the orientation exercise at the National Library your task is to create and orientation exercise for your library for students and /or teachers. Must include a map and some searching activities on your OPAC.
Bring a copy to Day Two.
Task Four
Education Gazette Article
Click on the line Education Gazette. We are looking for articles on excellent library pracitise in the 9 October 2006 Gazette. They are not all under one keyword so you will need 2 searches.
1. In the search box on the home page click on articles .
2. This will take you to the article search. Type in “Library excellence”
3. For the second part of the article type in “heart of learning”
4. There is a third part of the article about Whangarei Boys High School so secondary participants may like to look at this article as well. Keywords :” boys reading”
Click on the comments below and list at least two points the articles make about schools with good libraries or good librarian practise.
Task Five
Bring a book you have weeded or are debating about weeding to Day Two
Welcome to the 2008 Introduction to School Libraries and Learning Blog. This is your space for sharing and learning. If you have any difficulties using the blog please contact Pauline McCowan 09 524 3866 or Lisa Allcott 09 524 3860.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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